here is the code of first lession :
console.log("My name is ");
console.log("Aaryan Pariyar");
var name = "Aryan Pariyar";
var age = 20;
var collage = "Siddhanath science campus";
// var collage = "Siddhanath science campus";
// var collage = "Siddhanath science campus";
console.log("My name is " + name + " I am " + age + " years old" + " My school name is " + collage);
The output of this is
My name isAaryan Pariyar
My name is Aryan Pariyar I am 20 years old My school name is Siddhanath science campus
the second class of js is like :(variable declarations)
var full_name = "Aaryan Pariyar";
var course_name = "c-language";
var is_logged_in = false;
var loggedcount = 45;
var payment_mode = "e-sewa";
the output of this is :
Aaryan Pariyar
The third class is like this :(User signup )
const uid = "ar8463";// uid = "ahf8754";
var first_name = "Aryan ";
var last_name = "pariyar";
var email = "";
var password = "123456";
var confirm_password = "123456";
var country = "Nepal";
var state = "Far-western"
var is_logged_in_from_google = false;
var is_logged_in_from_facebook = true;
var course_count = 0;
// console.log(uid);
// console.log(full_name);
// console.log(email);
// console.log(password);
// console.log("My name is " + full_name);
// console.log("My email is " + email);
// console.log(`
// with Unique ID : ${uid};
// User is : ${full_name};
// and his email is : ${email};
// and uses the password : ${password};
// `);
// interpolatataion in javascript world
With Unique user ID = ${uid};
The first name of user = ${first_name};
The last name of the user = ${last_name};
with email = ${email};
and his password = ${password};
From country = ${country};
and his state is = ${state};
Total number of course enrolled = ${course_count};
With login from google =${is_logged_in_from_google};
or loggedin from facebook = ${is_logged_in_from_facebook};
And the output of this is :
With Unique user ID = ar8463;
The first name of user = Aryan ;
The last name of the user = pariyar;
with email =;
and his password = 123456;
From country = Nepal;
and his state is = Far-western;
Total number of course enrolled = 0;
With login from google =false;
or loggedin from facebook = true;
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